Murky Low Tide at Goat Island
It was low tide and there was some swell on the beach which certainly did not help the water clarity. I swam to Shag Rock. Visibility improved a bit, but not enough for my wide-angle lens. I could not see many snappers; I mean there were many of them there, but not as many as usually. However, it did not matter as the area was full of clouds of curious sweeps, a school of mullets passed by and large trevally were hiding in the forest.
In the beginning of the dive, close to the shore in dirty water, a large eagle ray appeared right in front of me. I could not jump up as I was floating in the water, but my camera did that for me. The ray got scared much more than I did … considering how fast it turned back a swam away.
The dive was sad from the photography point of view, but in general it was quite pleasant.