October 2017
I am well behind with on-line logging of my dives. We had a busy time after our return from Europe. It’s not that I was not diving, I just didn’t have enough time to write posts about it.
Here are some pictures from the Leigh area, they are all from shore dives.
S písaním o svojich ponoroch som poriadne pozadu. Po návrate z Európy sme nejakí zaneprázdnení. Nie je to o tom, že by som nechodil potápať, ale nemám dosť času o tom písať.
Pod textom je zopár fotiek z okolia Leigh, všetky sú z ponorov z brehu.
White-striped anemones are plentiful this year. They look like small white flower from the distance, they are delicate when checked closely.
Octopuses are very patient models sometimes. They don’t move even if the camera lens gets very close.
It’s spring, algae of all colors is growing rapidly.
The usual brown kelp on shallow water rocky reef. There are vast pastures like this in the Leigh area.
A peek to the habitat in the shade of kelp forest: Colorful sponges grow even in shallow water.
Dense ‘trunks’ of kelp forest form habitat where small creatures can hide from predators.
White-striped anemones form ‘flower gardens’ on rocks where they grow among colorful algae.
Single frond of stalked kelp Ecklonia radiata, typical for Pacific ocean around North Island.
Purple compound tunicates are also plentiful this year. Where the bottom is rugged enough to form overhangs and cracks with enough shade, they are almost everywhere.
Yellow and pink seaweeds swirling in the current above flat bottom.