With Kailings at Goat Island


We took our friends, the Kailing family, for snorkeling to Goat Island. I was a bit skeptical about the water condition due to the wind, but we were surprised by a very calm water. It was low tide so the water was shallow through the whole channel. Also it was very clear there even though quite murky close to the shore. There were schools of young trevally and snapper in the channel, the usual spotties and goatfish on the bottom. We did both snorkeling and what I call “power-snorkeling” – diving light in the shallow water and breathing via the long hose. A very pleasant day indeed 🙂


S našimi kamarátmi Kailingovcami sme sa vybrali ku Koziemu ostrovu. Bol som mierne skeptický, keďže fúkal nepriaznivý vietor, ale prekvapilo nás veľmi pokojné more. Bol odliv, takže voda bola plytká všade medzi ostrovom a pevninou. Bola aj dosť čistá, aj keď len ďalej od brehu. V kanáli sa preháňali húfy trevally a snapprov, dno brázdili spotties a goatfish. Vyskúšali sme šnorchlovanie aj “šnorchlovanie na steroidoch”, ako hovorím metóde, keď v plytkej vode dýchame dlhou hadicou z fľaše druhého potápača. Veľmi príjemný deň 🙂