A lot of sediment and surprising eyes

This is not a dive report, just a couple of pictures from two places I like a lot. One of them is popular for scuba diving training, I haven’t seen a diver in the the other one. I am talking about Matheson Bay and Mahurangi Harbour.


Mediterranean fan worm in extremely murky conditions. It seems they do very well in the bays and harbours of Hauraki Gulf which is quite unfortunate as they are pests brought here from Europe by ships. Vejárový červ v mimoriadne špinavej vode. Zdá sa, že tomuto druhu sa veľmi dobre darí v zátokách zálivu Hauraki. To je dosť nepríjemné, keďže je to cudzí druh dovlečený loďami z Európy.

Mediterranean fan worm in murky waters of Mahurangi Harbour. Note the colorful globular sponges in the background. The omnipresent fine sediment covers their beauty most of the time. Vejárový červ v špinavej vode prístavu Mahurangi. Všimnite si farebné guľaté hubky v pozadí. Ich krása je väčšinou schovaná pod vrstvou všadeprítomného jemného sedimentu.

A rock with a rich growth of sponges. I believe it would be even richer if there was less sediment in the area. The bright red and orange colors are like from another planet. Skala bohato porastená hubkami. Som presvedčený, že porast by bol ešte bohatší, keby tu nebolo toľko sedimentu. Jasná červená a oranžová farba sú akoby z inej planéty.

Sea hare standing on its back feet. Not really, but it looks like it. Morský zajac sa stavia na zadné.

Sea hare well camouflaged among brown algae. Note the tiny eyes at the base of its horns. Morský zajac zamaskovaný medzi hnedými riasami. Všimnite si drobné oči pri koreni rožkov.