It’s A Long Way To Passive Income Tax
Labour – They plan increasing active income tax, rejecting passive income tax.
Irony: Passive income taxing was among their main policies. Also they call themselves ‘Labour’ party, so they should support ‘labour’, i.e. less tax on active income (work/labour), more tax on passive income (capital gains). Levelling the ground could possibly lead to lower active income tax, i.e. narrowing the wide income gap between the ‘poor'(owning nothing) and the ‘rich’ (the passive assets owners).
National – They are rejecting passive income tax, proposing to lower active income tax.
Paradox: They call themselves ‘centre-right’, supporting businesses etc. No passive income tax means it is more profitable to invest in passive income assets instead of a creative/innovative activity (that they/we call business). Levelling the ground would probably mean more business activity as it would become more (or at least not less) profitable to invest into active income sources.
Note: Taxing income? If the answer is yes, then all the income. This is another point. When people call for ‘fairness’ how fair is it if income from work/labour is taxed, but income without work is not taxed?