Too Rough for Macro
This was not a very successful photo dive … I took a 105mm macro lens with me to photograph tiny critters, but the sea was quite rough. I had to throw out most of the pictures as they were not in focus in areas where I wanted them to be. Otherwise it was quite pleasant, I saw a nice octopus and a large conger eel hiding deep in a rock crack. Visibility was also very reasonable, especially in the channel.
Z hľadiska fotografovania nic-moc … vzal som si so sebou 105mm makro objektív kvôli malým príšerkám, ale more bolo dosť nepokojné. Väčšinu fotiek som vyhodil, neboli ostré tam, kde som to chcel ja. Inak to bol celkom príjemný ponor, videl som peknú chobotnicu a veľkého úhora, ktorý sa skrýval hlboko v tmavej škáre. Aj viditeľnosť bola celkom príjemná, hlavne v kanáli.