First Time With Tokina

I took my new Tokina fish eye lens for a test dive. It was quite murky and the swell was strong. Yet I am quite pleased with the results. The lens allows to get closer to the subjects than a normal rectilinear lens … which is so important underwater. Because of my dome setting I could not use the whole zoom range of the lens, I was limited to something like 15-17 mm. Back home I removed the extension ring so now the dome allows the full 10-17 mm range without vignetting. We’ll see how it goes next time.

Vzal som nové rybie oko na testovací ponor. Voda bola dosť špinavá a vlny spôsobovali značné prúdenie. Napriek tomu ma výsledky dosť potešili. Objektív ma menšiu minimálnu zaostrovaciu vzdialenosť ako bežné objektívy, čo je pod vodou veľmi dôležité. Medzi púzdrom a priezorom objektívu som mal vložený distančný krúzok, takže som bol obmedzený horným rozsahom zoomu, okolo 15-17 mm. Doma som ho po ponore vybral, takže všetko by už malo fungovať v plnom rozsahu 10-17 mm. Hurá opäť do vody.

New Zealand trigger fish (leatherjacket) hiding among kelp plants at the base of the rocky reef. The bright red patch is a encrusting sponge.

Two Australasian snappers Pagris auratus swimming above flat rocky bottom partially covered by kelp forest. Even the smaller fish is of the legal size so imagine how big the other one is. I find it quite interesting how snapper body shape changes with age, especially that ‘forehead’ part.

Two red moki (banded morwong) Cheilodactylus spectabilis hiding under the reef overhang behind the kelp fronds. They were unusually inquisitive and did not run away too fast.

An endless field of Carpophylum brown seaweed … not actually a weed, but a sort of algae/kelp. It looks like a desert, but in reality it creates a shallow water habitat for plenty of species.