Vita Aquatica Is Here

Adam and I have started a new website called Vita Aquatica. On that website we collect videos related to water some way. Most of them are about diving, but some about other water-related activities as well. There are basically two criteria we use when selecting the videos: (1) we have to like them (an obvious reason), and  (2) they must contain spoken word. YouTube is full of raw video clips or ‘music videos’, but that’s not what we are after. That’s also why adding new clips goes quite slowly.

The website name ‘Vita Aquatica‘ is from Latin and translates as ‘aquatic life’. The site is about life related to ‘aqua’ (water) so we think it is quite appropriate. Also we like the movie Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou which title inspired us.

The website’s design is very basic, but quite usable on any sort of device we believe. If you have any comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

S Adamom sme nedávno spustili novú webovú stránku, ktorá sa vola Vita Aquatica. Zbierame na nej videá, ktoré majú nejaký vzťah k vode. Väčšina z nich je o potápaní, ale niektoré aj o iných aktivitách na vode. Pri výbere videí máme v podstate dve kritéria: (1) video sa nám musí páčiť a (2) musí obsahovať hovorený komentár. YouTube je plné klipov priamo z kamery, alebo “hudobných” videí, ale to nie je to, čo hľadáme. Aj preto nám pridávanie nových klipov ide dosť pomaly.

Názov stránky “Vita Aquatica” je z latinčiny a znamená “vodný život”. Stránka je o živote, ktorý súvisí s vodou, preto sa nám názov zdá primeraný. Hlavnou inšpiráciou k názvu bol však film Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, ktorý sa nám páči.