What Is This Mystery Seed
An unknown seed has entered our tiny garden. It all started in a supermarket where they were giving away tiny cardboard pots without markings. Without much thought we threw their content among other veggies. One seed sprouted and a large plat grew out of it. It had leaves with an interesting shapes and tiny yellow flowers. Its branches scattered in the grass. After some time a sort of berries started to appear. They were a bit fluffy, they looked like gooseberries. The berries grew, darker stripes started to appear on their surfaces. Now we know what kind of seed was hiding in the cardboard. And we are looking forward to those watermelons
Do našej mikrozáhrady sa dostalo neznáme semienko. Všetko to začalo v supermarkete, kde rozdávali maličké kartónové kvetináče bez označenia. Neuvážene sme ich obsah vrhli medzi ostatnú zeleninu. Jedno semienko sa ujalo. Vyrástla z neho veľká rastlina. Mala zaujímavo krojené listy a malé žlté kvietky. Jej výhonky sa rozliezli pomedzi trávu. Po čase sa v tráve začali objavovať malé, trochu chlpaté bobule. Vyzerali ako egreše. Bobule rástli, na ich povrchu sa začali objavovať tmavšie pruhy. Teraz už konečne vieme, čo za semienko bolo schované v tom kartóne. A tešíme sa na melóny